Water Systems
The Water Publications section features a diverse array of research articles, studies, and reports that address critical issues related to water usage, quality, and sustainability on dairy farms and beyond.
Explore our publications to gain insights into innovative water management practices, including efficient irrigation techniques, wastewater treatment solutions, and strategies for reducing water footprints in agricultural operations. Our research emphasizes the importance of protecting water resources while ensuring the economic viability of farming practices.
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Water Systems Publications
The use of biochar in water resource and recovery facilities (WRRF) shows promise for recovery of phosphorus (P) to use as a biochar-based fertilizer (BBF) that can replace conventional fertilizers, promote carbon sequestration, and improve soil quality. In this study, biochar was recovered after being dosed into secondary-treated discharge from a municipal WRRF. The value of the recovered biochar as a BBF was tested in a lettuce (Lactuca sativa) growth trial. The BBF was compared to an inorganic fertilizer, raw biochar, and controls that had either only nitrogen (N) fertilizer or no amendment. The ability of the treatments to support plant growth was determined by measuring plant height, biomass, leaf tissue total N and P concentration, and plant quality. Plant quality for the Fe-modified biochar used in the WRRF was 9.05 (±0.44) on a 10-point scale compared to 9.61 (±0.46) for the inorganic fertilizer treatment and 2.22 (±0.82) for the untreated control. Plant tissue P concentrations were 6.28 (±0.83), 9.88 (±0.90), 15.46 (±2.54), and 6.36 (±1.91) g plant−1 for the raw biochar, Fe-modified biochar used in the WRRF, inorganic fertilizer, and no amendment treatments, respectively. Soil P availability and P uptake amount in the leaves indicated that the BBF released P more slowly than the inorganic P fertilizer; however, it was sufficiently available for uptake to support plant growth to maturity. Results from these experiments show that Fe-modified biochar used in WRRF can supply adequate P to plants. The slow release will reduce P leaching into surface waters.
The release of anaerobically digested dairy wastewater (ANDDW) without a treatment can lead to severe environmental pollution, prompting the exploration of effective and sustainable treatment methods. Amidst various wastewater treatment approaches, the electro-oxidation (EO) process is considered as a promising, clean, and adaptable solution. In this study, the major operational parameters viz. current density, electrolyte concentration, treatment time, and mixing speed of an EO comprising Ti/PbO2 anode and stainless-steel cathode, were optimized using response surface methodology (RSM) for efficient removal of chemical oxygen demand (COD), ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N), total phosphorus (TP), orthophosphate (OP), total nitrogen (TN), and total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) from ANDDW. Optimal conditions were identified as a current density of 90 mA cm−2, 0.08% electrolyte concentration, 180 min treatment time, and 400 rpm mixing speed. Under the optimum conditions, the COD, NH3-N, TP, OP, TN, and TKN removal efficiencies were 78.36, 63.93, 87.41, 92.39, 67.01, and 81.42%, respectively. Furthermore, the reaction rate followed the first-order kinetic model for the pollutants removal with correlation coefficients (R2) close to 1. The findings highlight the potential of using the EO process to treat high pollutant-laden ANDDW and encourage further studies to confirm the corresponding outcomes on a pilot scale.
Forest water reclamation is a decades-old practice of repurposing municipal reclaimed water using land application on forests to filter nutrients and increase wood production. However, long-term application may lead to nutrient saturation, leaching, and potential impairment of ground and surface water quality. We studied long-term effects of reclaimed water application on nutrient leaching potential in a four-decade time series of forest water reclamation facilities in northern Idaho. Our approach compared reclaimed water treated plots with untreated control plots at each of the forest water reclamation facilities. We measured soil nitrifier abundance and net nitrification rates and used tension lysimeters to sample soil matrix water and drain gauges to sample from a combination of matrix and preferential flow paths. We determined nutrient leaching as the product of soil water nutrient concentrations and model-estimated drainage flux. There was more than 450-fold increase in nitrifier abundance and a 1000-fold increase in net nitrification rates in treated plots compared with control plots at long-established facilities, indicating greater nitrate production with increased cumulative inputs. There were no differences in soil water ammonium, phosphate, and dissolved organic nitrogen concentrations between control and effluent treatments in tension lysimeter samples. However, concurrent with increased nitrifier abundance and net nitrification, nitrate concentration below the rooting zone was 2 to 4-fold higher and nitrate leaching was 4 to 10-fold higher in effluent treated plots, particularly at facilities that have been in operation for over two decades. Thus, net nitrification and nitrifier abundance assays are likely indicators of nitrate leaching potential. Inorganic nutrient concentrations in drain gauge samples were 2 to 11-fold higher than lysimeter samples, suggesting nutrient losses occurred predominantly through preferential flow paths. Nitrate was vulnerable to leaching during the wet season under saturated flow conditions. Although nitrogen saturation is a concern that should be mitigated at long-established facilities, these forest water reclamation facilities were able to maintain average soil water nitrate concentrations to less than 2 mg L−1, so that nitrogen and phosphorous are effectively filtered to below safe water standards.
This innovative wastewater treatment system combines biochar with advanced filtration to clean water and fight climate change. By capturing phosphorus and removing over 90% of harmful pollutants, it improves water quality while recycling nutrients for sustainable agriculture. What sets this system apart is its ability to be carbon-negative—meaning it removes more carbon from the atmosphere than it emits—making it a powerful tool in combating climate change. Scalable and cost-effective, this technology turns wastewater into a resource, offering a cleaner, greener future for communities and the environment.
Wave minimal surfaces (WMSs) are mathematically defined structures that are commonly observed in nature. Their unique properties have allowed researchers to harness their potential for engineering applications. Since WMSs can be represented by mathematical equations, the geometry can be parametrized and studied using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) for particle separation. Low energy particle separation in water treatment can yield low-carbon footprint technology approaches such as biochar water treatment where removal and recovery of adsorbed N and P on biochar can address water pollution, climate change and food security. The objective of this work was to demonstrate the capability of WMS as a crossflow filtration system to remove particulates in water. For this purpose we used CFD to optimize WMS geometry and studied the performance of the 3D-Printed (3DP) optimized WMS using experimental fluid dynamics (EFD) in a water tunnel. CFD studies quantified planar vorticity, fluid filtrate flux, and particle behavior of WMS. For inflow velocities of 0.2–0.4 m/s, CFD results showed that a reverse wave filter design with convex shape leading-edge, angle of incidence of 90o, and maximum width of n = 1.0 captured 15–25% of upstream velocity at the filter port. CFD analysis showed more than 95% separation efficiency at velocities and pressures of 0.2–0.32 m/s and 5–35 kPa, respectively. Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) was used for EFD fluid flow measurements with an optimized wave minimal surface (OMWS). Comparison of OMWS CFD and PIV velocity fields showed good agreement with a root-mean-square error of less than 10%. Particle size analysis showed that the 3DP OMWS could filter particle sizes ranging from 1–30 μm with at least 50% particle count reduction in the filtrate. Thus, we successfully demonstrated a novel framework for analyzing a crossflow water filtration system from conceptual design to initial benchtop experiments using iterative CFD, 3DP, and EFD.
The technological development for efficient nutrient removal from liquid dairy manure is critical to a sustainable dairy industry. A nutrient removal process using a two-step fed sequencing batch reactor (SBR) system was developed in this study to achieve the applicability of simultaneous removal of phosphorus, nitrogen, and chemical oxygen demand from anaerobically digested liquid dairy manure (ADLDM). Three operating parameters, namely anaerobic time:aerobic time (min), anaerobic DO:aerobic DO (mg L-1), and hydraulic retention time (days), were systematically investigated and optimized using the Taguchi method and grey relational analysis for maximum removal efficiencies of total phosphorus (TP), ortho-phosphate (OP), ammonia-nitrogen (NH3-N), total nitrogen (TN), and chemical oxygen demand (COD) simultaneously. The results demonstrated that the optimal mean removal efficiencies of 91.21%, 92.63%, 91.82%, 88.61%, and 90.21% were achieved for TP, OP, NH3-N, TN, and COD at operating conditions, i.e., anaerobic:aerobic time of 90:90 min, anaerobic DO:aerobic DO of 0.4:2.4 mg L-1, and HRT of 3 days. Based on analysis of variance, the percentage contributions of these operating parameters towards the mean removal efficiencies of TP and COD were ranked in the order of anaerobic DO:aerobic DO > HRT > anaerobic time:aerobic time, while HRT was the most influential parameter for the mean removal efficiencies of OP, NH3-N, and TN followed by anaerobic time:aerobic time and anaerobic DO:aerobic DO. The optimal conditions obtained in this study are beneficial to the development of pilot and full-scale systems for simultaneous biological removal of phosphorus, nitrogen, and COD from ADLDM.
Iron–ozone catalytic oxidation (CatOx) shows promise in addressing challenging wastewater pollutants. This study investigates a CatOx reactive filtration (Fe-CatOx-RF) approach with two 0.4 L/s field pilot studies and an 18-month, 18 L/s full-scale municipal wastewater deployment. We apply ozone to leverage common sand filtration and iron metal salts used in water treatment into a next-generation technology. The process combines micropollutant and pathogen destructive removal with high-efficiency phosphorus removal and recycling as a soil amendment, clean water recovery, and the potential for carbon-negative operation with integrated biochar water treatment. A key process innovation is converting a continuously renewed iron oxide coated, moving bed sand filter into a “sacrificial iron” d-orbital catalyst bed after adding O3 to the process stream. Results for the Fe-CatOx-RF pilot studies show >95% removal efficiencies for almost all >5 × LoQ detected micropollutants, with removal rates slightly increasing with biochar addition. Phosphorus removal for the pilot site with the most P-impacted discharge was >98% with serial reactive filters. The long-term, full-scale Fe-CatOx-RF optimization trials showed single reactive filter 90% TP removal and high-efficiency micropollutant removals for most of the compounds detected, but slightly less than the pilot site studies. TP removal decreased to a mean of 86% during the 18 L/s, 12-month continuous operation stability trial, and micropollutant removals remained similar to the optimization trial for many detected compounds but less efficient overall. A >4.4 log reduction of fecal coliforms and E. coli in a field pilot sub-study suggests the ability of this CatOx approach to address infectious disease concerns. Life cycle assessment modeling suggests that integrating biochar water treatment into the Fe-CatOx-RF process for P recovery as a soil amendment makes the overall process carbon-negative at −1.21 kg CO2e/m3. Results indicate positive Fe-CatOx-RF process performance and technology readiness in full-scale extended testing. Further work exploring operational variables is essential to establish site-specific water quality limitations and responsive engineering approaches for process optimization.
Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) was grown in a greenhouse under a combination of treatments that tested the effects of two types of biochar amended with fermentation solids and dairy lagoon effluent at high and low levels of phosphorus fertilization. We hypothesized that a modified biochar dosed with iron in combination with a dairy amendment would yield the greatest photosynthetic assimilation rates of CO2 and water use efficiency. Furthermore, we hypothesized that these rates may differ between photosynthate demand represented by plant developmental stages, specifically the tillering, stem elongation, and heading stages. We found that photosynthetic assimilation was greatest at the tillering stage. Plant water use efficiency increased with commercially available fertilizer. Plant biomass at harvest was greatest among the chemical fertilizer (high and low levels of phosphorus fertilization) and low-level fertilization of dairy lagoon, fermentation solid, and an iron dosed biochar. The results suggest that while the dairy-amended biochar can maintain plant growth, it is not necessarily achieved through improved photosynthesis or water use.